Why You Should Have a Home Electrical Inspection
Periodic electrical testing, otherwise known as domestic EICR testing (EICR), is a inspection of your home electrical systems and installation.
How Often Should I Test My Electrics?
Like anything, electrics in the home will begin over time to deterioration, ageing and general wear and tear. This is why electrical tests should be conducted on a regular basis. British Standard BS 76719 (IET Wiring Regulations) advises that homeowners, landlords and businesses test at the following intervals:
Homeowners – an electrical test is required once every ten years.
Businesses – employers should have a periodic test undertaken every five years.
Landlords – it is recommended that landlords test their properties once every five years.
The cost of these inspections will depend on the size of the property. As to what aspects of the property should be carefully inspected, here are a few important pointers you can check out.
Electrical wiring.
To keep the property safe and secure, regular inspection of the electrical wiring must be done in order to prevent any problems, identify minor problems or prevent them from becoming worse. For example, it is only through regular inspection that you will notice installations with exposed wires or loose connections near light fixtures, switches or outlets.
The electrical circuit breaker.
This is otherwise known as the electrical service panel or fuse box. This panel is capable of distributing electrical circuits throughout the property. It is also capable of cutting the electrical supply to a specific part of the property or to the entire property itself. An outdated or poorly maintained electrical circuit breaker is not capable of withstanding the electrical demands of modern life, so it is better to talk to your electrician about updating it before moving to your new home.
Electrical switches and outlets.
Our licensed electrician will thoroughly check all electrical switches and outlets within the property. All of them must be in good working condition. For instance, the electrical outlets must not contain any physical defects, must have the proper tension and must be grounded.
Light appliances and components.
Just like the electrical switches and outlets, all light appliances and components must be carefully examined. All ceiling mounted and wall mounted light fixtures must be securely put into place. All light bulbs will be examined for damages and proper wattage. In some cases, the previous owner of the property may have installed a light bulb to the light fixture with the incorrect wattage.
Please don’t hesitate to call Daniel Hall Electrical Services if you are looking for qualified electrical contractors for your project. You may call 01670 732398 and 07927170640 to talk to one of our expert staff. You may also email us your appointment requests and enquiries at info@danielhallelectricals.co.uk.